More about the Visual Studio Error List

The Error List Window has a toolbar containing these elements:

Error List Toolbar


1  This lets you set a filter, so that you can choose if you want to see only lines related to Open Documents or the Current Document. The Current Project setting is not supported!

2  This button shows the total number of errors. You can click on it to show or hide errors.

3  This button shows the total number of warnings. You can click on it to show or hide warnings.

If you right click into the Error List, you will see the following context menu:

Error List Context Menu


1  Shows or hides Intellisense messages

2  Lets you sort the list by different criteria

3  Lets you show and hide columns in the list

4  Copies the current line as text to the clipboard

5  Lets the editor jump to the line that generated the next/previous error

With the "Pin Button" on the right side of the Error List, you can choose if the window shall stay open or not.

Window Pinning Button

This Pin Button is present with most other windows in Visual Studio/Atmel Studio and works the same way with all windows.