Serial Ports and Terminal Windows in Visual Studio and Atmel Studio

by Visual Micro 14. September 2013 14:46

The free Visual Micro plugin provides multiple Serial Port Terminals along with "auto-pause for upload" and optional usb "auto detect/re-connect". Serial port "Friendly Names" are optionally provided as part of the Visual Micro + upgrade.

  • Auto-reconnect will detect when the micro-controller has disconnected from the usb. The Ide will automatically reconect when the port becomes available again. This feature can be enabled/disabled in tools options
  • Auto-pause for upload detects when a usb upload to a micro-controller is about to be attempted on a port that is currently open as a terminal window. In this case the terminal will close the port and automatically re-open after the upload completes.
  • Discovery of "friendly" serial port names can be a great help compared to simply seeing COM1 and/or COM2 etc. The friendly name feature is switched on by default and can switched off in the Communications section of Visual Micro "Tools>Options"

An overkill example of many serial terminals and also of many connected devices :)