The Visual Micro Board Manager

The Board Manager allows you to easily add support for new boards to Visual Micro and the Arduino IDE.
Visual Micro shares the board packages installed with the Arduino IDE allowing a seamless transition from Arduino IDE to Visual Micro.
This are boards that the Arduino IDE has not preinstalled (like 32 bit SAM based boards), as well as boards from other manufacturers, like Intel, Adafruit, Teensy and many more.

Note Icon Important:

In order to use the Board Manager, you must have the Arduino IDE version 1.62 or newer installed.
To check the version of your installed Arduino IDE, open the Arduino IDE and check the version number in the Window's title.

The Board Manager is part of the Visual Micro Explorer, which you can open by clicking the magnifier symbol on the toolbar...

Micro Explorer In Toolbar

or via vMicro > Visual Micro Explorer from the menu.

You will find the Board Manager when clicking at the "Manage Boards" Tab tab:

Manage Boards Sections
The Board Manager "knows" the locations on the web where board platforms can be found and shows all installed and available development tools in a tree structure.

The "All" section 1 shows all available board platforms, installed (in gray) as well as installed (in black).

The "Installed" section 2 shows all installed platforms.

The "Available Updates" section 3 shows platforms for which updates are available.

The Search field 4 lets you filter the tree, so that only items appear that contain your search term.

Note IconTip:

If you hover over an item in the tree structure, you will get lots of useful information about this item.
You will also see if the platform is already installed.
If the word "Installed" appears in green, then you have the most recent version installed.
If the word "Installed" appears in red, then a newer update is available. You will find that update under "Available Updates" in the tree.

Installing and Deinstalling Board Platforms

Installing new board platforms

By clicking on a uninstalled (black) item, you can install support for this Board from the web. A question window will appear, where you must confirm your choice.
If you click on the branch of the tree, like this one: Closed "i586" branch, then all boards contained in the branch will be installed in the newest version.
If you like to install a specific board and/or platform version, then open the branch by clicking on the "Tree Plus Sign" sign and choose the desired platform and version to install.

Note IconNote:

After you have started the installation, Visual Studio/Atmel Studio will freeze, while it downloads and installs the new platform in the background.
This may take up to a few minutes, depending on the size of the platform files and your internet connection speed.

Note IconNote:

In order to see your newly installed board in the Micro Boards toolbar, you must select the Tools > Reload Toolchains command after the installation.

Deinstalling existing board platforms

Gray items represent installed platforms. Clicking on them deinstalls them. You will be asked to confirm your choice, to avoid deinstallation by accident.

Board platforms from 3rd party manufacturers

More and more manufacturers support the platform installation standard, that the Board Manager uses.
Initially, Visual Micro only "knows" the platforms published on the Arduino home page, but you can easily tell it the download locations of other manufacturers.

To do so, click on the "IDE Locations" button in Visual Micro Explorer's toolbar:

VM Explorer Configure Button

The Visual Micro IDE Locations Manager will open.
In the IDE Locations Manager, you can specify additional web sources for platform packages (see input field 3 in this documentation page).
After adding a new platform web source in IDE Locations Manager, you have to reread them by clicking on   Rescan   in the toolbar.

Board Installation Video Guide

The below video goes through installing a new board package in Visual Micro