Keep Track of Your Breakpoints: The Breakpoint Window

Visual Studio's/Atmel Studio's Breakpoint Window gives you an overview of all breakpoints you have set in your project.

With the Breakpoint Window, you can...

  • Get a tabular overview over all breakpoints
  • Selectively enable, disable and delete breakpoints
  • Search for breakpoints
  • and much more

You open the Breakpoint Window with the menu item Debug > Windows > Breakpoints or by pressing [Alt+F9].

Breakpoint Window

With the checkboxes 1, you can select breakpoints for subsequent operations (see 5 through 7 below.

With the column selector 2, you can add more columns (breakpoint properties) to the display.

With the search box 3, you can enter a search term, after pressing [Enter], the list shows those breakpoint that match the search criteria.


Breakpoint Window Toolbar

4 lets you create new breakpoints

5 lets you delete the breakpoints that have the checkbox 1 checked.

6 lets you delete all breakpoints shown (which may be filtered by the search criteria 3).

7 lets you delete all breakpoints shown (which may be filtered by the search criteria 3).

8 lets you export all breakpoints to or import from a XML file.

9 Jumps to the source code location of the selected breakpoint.