How to install Visual Micro for many users

When Visual Micro is started it automatically creates the correct registry entries for Atmel Studio and Visual Studio.

Atmel Studio and Visual Studio

Normally Visual Micro installer adds the Visual Micro program files folder to "tools>options>environment>addin and macro security>add-in search folders" list. the program files folder is where Visual Micro stores dlls and .addin files. The reason for adding the path to the list is so that the Ide can find the respective ".addin" file (which is installed with Visual Micro).

Instead adding the path to the list you can move the .addin file to one of a number of "known" visual studio or atmel studio addin locations. For example:- you can move the "Visual.Micro.Visual.Studio.Arduino.AS6.AddIn" to "C:\Users\tl\Documents\Atmel Studio\Addins".

When you place a .addin file in a "known" addin folder the Ide will automatically load the addin when it starts. This makes it very easy for you to ensure that Visual Micro loads in your chosen Ide.

The list of "known" addin locations is shown in the "tools>options>environment>addin and macro security>add-in search folders" of the respective Ide.

That's it!